September WOR Meeting CANCELED
Wings of Rogallo Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club of Northern California

Dear WOR members,

Due to a lack of agenda items and notable updates, and minimal local flying due to recent fires and smoke, this month's online club meeting has been canceled.
The next meeting will be Tuesday October 20, 2020 at 7:30p.  A Zoom link will be sent out and posted on the website the day prior.
As a reminder, at the time of writing, here's the status of our flying sites:
Ed Levin: Open, although often impacted by smoke, and COVID related restrictions.
Mission Peak: The park is closed per EB Parks.  Once it opens, please remember to adhere to the COVID restrictions.
Mt. Diablo:  Open, with some COVID related parking restrictions.
If you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected]
WOR exec

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