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WOR Executive Board

Chris Pak
[email protected]

Dominic Montagu
[email protected]

Safety Coordinator
Dan Zaslavsky
[email protected]

Communications Director
Ella Gambel
[email protected]

Vice President
George Du
[email protected]

Tristan Horn
[email protected]

Membership Services Director
Jennifer Lauritzen
[email protected]

Site Chairpersons

Ed Levin Chairpersons
Mike Briganti and Anthony Tagliaferro
[email protected]

Mission Chairpersons
Steve Welch and Bob Posey
[email protected]

Diablo Chairpersons
Robert Moore and Joe Finkel
[email protected]

Stables Chairpersons
Morgan Venable and Dan Zaslavsky
[email protected]

Windy Hill Chairpersons
Evan Cohen and Tom Low
[email protected]


The Wings of Rogallo hang gliding club was founded in the mid-1970’s to serve the interests of hang gliding pilots in the San Francisco Bay area. Since that time, the club has grown to be one of the largest in the country, with a typical roster of 350-400 hang gliding and paragliding pilots.

Wings of Rogallo administers 5 local sites in the San Francisco Bay Area.  For more information on club business, check out an archive of newsletters and email alerts.

Contact Us

WOR Business Address
Wings of Rogallo
PO Box 361885
Milpitas, CA 95036 -1885


[email protected]