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Ed Levin

Last updated on October 4th, 2024 at 11:50 am

Quick Overview:

Ed Levin is open to pilots of all levels (From students to H5/P5) according to the criteria described in the Ed Levin Site Procedures document. There are specific rating and experience requirements for each launch, so be certain you are familiar with these procedures, have signed the appropriate liability waivers, and meet all requirements before attempting to fly here. Ed R. Levin County Park is located in Milpitas, CA, and is part of Santa Clara County Parks.

Site Committee Chair: Mike Briganti

[email protected]

Hang gliding – Training through H5
(see Launch Rating Requirements below)
Paragliding – Training through P5
(see Launch Rating Requirements tab below)
Mini-wings – M1 special skill recommended

Pilot Requirements

To fly at Ed Levin, you must:

  • Be a member of USHPA
  • Be a full or visiting member of the Wings of Rogallo Northern California Hang Gliding Association Inc.
  • Be under the guidance of an instructor, or have the appropriate rating and experience requirements per the site procedures
  • Wear a helmet while flying
  • Fly with a reserve parachute from all launches above the “300”
  • Adhere to all Federal Air Regulations (FARs)
  • Land in the designated landing zone when landing within the park boundaries, unless top landing, or in case of an emergency
  • Be done with all flying activities (including packing) one hour before sunset
  • Do not fly when the “emergency X”  is placed in the LZ
  • Maintain at least 600’ of altitude when flying over the lawn area such that they can avoid mechanical turbulence from the tree line, and perform a safe landing approach in the designated landing zone
  • Sign the WOR Ed Levin Waiver
  • Sign the SCCPD Ed Levin Waiver (see note below about mailing this is to the parks.  It’s recommended to print out a 2nd copy, filled in, and carry it with you)

Please refer to the Ed Levin Site Procedures for full details.  An abbreviated synopsis:

300′ Launch: P2/H2
600′ Launch: H3/P3 or H2/H3/P2 + 3 flights from at least 300′ + a site intro and first flight with a P4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
1750′ Launch: P3/H3 or P2/H2 + 4 flights from at least 500′ + a site intro and first flight with a P4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.

All drivers and spectators who enter the permit area must sign the Ed Levin Waiver

SCCPD Waiver

The Santa Clara County Parks Department, the authority regulating Ed Levin park, requires WOR members to sign an additional waiver before flying Ed Levin. The signed waiver must be printed and carried with you.

The waiver is available as an e-waiver on our website, or you can fill in the pdf.

50′ launch at Ed Levin


Ed Levin’s launches are named for the number of feet above the landing zone.  The training slopes are called the 40′, 50′, and 60′.  A mid-hill launch for training called the 150′. The main training hill is called the 300′.  There are 3 launches from the 600′ hill, called the North, West, and South launches.  The top of the mountain, called the 1750′, has a North launch, South launch, and Backside launch.

Please refer to the site procedures for rating requirements, recommended wind speeds and direction, and glide ratio to the LZ.

All of the launches at Ed Levin are grassy slopes. Most have an excellent angle for encouraging great launches. There are no trees or other obstructions at launch, nor are there any significant upwind obstacles to create nasty rotors when launching into recommended wind directions. Caution is required when launching from the 1750′ Back Side launch. Conditions that make this launch useable can place the LZ in rotor when the wind is strong. When doing a backside launch, you should head towards the LZ immediately, as you can get trapped on the back side and not make the gap leading to the LZ. You should think twice before using any launch when the wind has any East component. Even if the flags on the 300 and 600 foot hills appear to be favorable, it’s it may be rotor from the top of the ridge curling around and blowing back up the slope when the winds are strong. In these conditions, launching might be uneventful, but you may find yourself in significant sink as you fly away from the hill, and have a tenuous glide all the way to the landing zone. The 40, 50, and 60 foot training launches have a fairly shallow slope, and require aggressive takeoff runs.

Launch Altitude in Feet AGL Best Wind Direction Recommended Wind Limits
(min / ideal / max)
Glide Ratio to LZ
40 NW HG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
50 SW HG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
60 SE HG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
150 SW HG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
300 W,SW,S HG: 0mph 10mph 12mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 12mph
600 South SW,S,SE HG: 0mph 10mph 15mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 15mph
600 West W,SW HG: 0mph 10mph 15mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 15mph
600 North W,NW HG: 0mph 10mph 15mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 15mph
1750 North/Towers NW,W,SW HG: 0mph 10mph 15mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 15mph
1750 South Launch W,SW,S HG: 0mph 10mph 15mph
PG: 0mph 5mph 15mph
1750 Backside Launch NW,W,SW,S HG: 0mph 5mph 10mph
PG: 0mph 3mph 10mph

The following procedures are taken from the Ed Levin Site Procedures.

Pilot Proficiency Requirements

No restrictions for indicated rating, and higher
Some restrictions
Launch PG requirement HG requirement
Lower launches P2 H2
Students with instructor supervision (basic or advanced) Students with instructor supervision (basic or advanced)
150 P2 H2
P1 requirements completed* with instructor supervision (basic or advanced) H1 requirements completed* with instructor supervision (basic or advanced)
300 P2 H2
P1 requirements completed* H1 requirements completed*
600 P3  H3
P2 under one of the following conditions:

  • Under an instructor’s supervision (basic or advanced)
  • Without instructor supervision, after having completed 3 flights from at least 300’ AGL (at Ed Levin or elsewhere) + a site intro and first flight with a P4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
H2 under one of the following conditions:

  • Under an instructor’s supervision (basic or advanced)
  • Without instructor supervision, after having completed 3 flights from at least 300’ AGL (at Ed Levin or elsewhere)+ a site intro and first flight with an H4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
1750 P3 H3
P2 under one of the following conditions:

  • Under an instructor’s supervision (basic or advanced)
  • Without instructor supervision, after having completed 4 flights from at least 500’ AGL (at Ed Levin or elsewhere) + a site intro and first flight with a P4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
H2 under one of the following conditions:

  • Under an instructor’s supervision (basic or advanced)
  • Without instructor supervision, after having completed 4 flights from at least 500’ AGL (at Ed Levin or elsewhere) + a site intro and first flight with an H4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
1750 back side P3 H4
P2 under one of the following conditions:

  • Under an instructor’s supervision (basic or advanced)
  • Without instructor supervision, after having completed 4 flights from at least 500’ AGL (at Ed Levin or elsewhere) + a site intro and first flight with a P4 who has significant experience flying at Ed Levin.
H3 under the following conditions:

  • Under advanced instructor’s supervision

*All USHPA “Required Witnessed Tasks” must be completed including the written exam.  Additionally, the student must be under the instructor’s insurance to provide 3rd party liability coverage equivalent or better than that of a USHPA member.


Pilots may connect with members of the site introduction team by joining the Site Introduction Telegram group.  A link to the group is available on the chat page.

The common radio frequency is 147.405 Mhz and should be used for safety and logistics with respect to other pilots and non-pilots as this is a simplex frequency that is available to all ham radio users. 

Use the common radio frequency to alert other pilots of any related to a possible accident or imminent EMS situation.

Emergency Information

First-aid equipment is available in a lockbox in the landing zone, 20ft North of the vehicle entrance gate. Locate the lockbox and learn the combination before flying Ed Levin. There is a pay phone in the LZ which can be used for emergencies. Calls to 911 do not require any payment. Please also print and review the Emergency Procedures listed in the Ed Levin Site Procedures.

In addition, please submit a report for any accidents, incidents, or site concerns via the Accident/Incident/Concern Reporting Form.

Visiting Pilots

Flying Ed Levin as a visiting pilot is somewhat challenging due to our high level of regulation and oversight.  Included in this is the requirement to have multiple waivers filed with the club and county parks, and significant restrictions on the use of launches for Novice pilots (H2/P2).

You can not fly unless accompanied by a current WOR member.

Please refer to the Ed Levin Site Procedures for additional information and view our Visiting Pilots page.

Visiting pilots may connect with WOR members by joining the Ed/Mission Telegram group.  A link to the group is available on the chat page.

Weather Information

Weather is dynamic, and the information here is very general in nature.  It’s the pilot’s responsibility determine if the weather on a specific day is within safe boundaries considering clouds, thermals, wind direction, speed, etc.

Typically, Ed Levin is a morning site.  The winds tend to be light and upslope early in the day.  There is normally a strong inversion due to the influence of the ocean (a marine layer).  This can result in significantly different winds in the LZ compared to the 1750′ launch.  As the day progresses, Ed Levin often experiences stronger winds from the NW (associated with the Bay Breeze), which can make it undesirable or unsafe to fly.  The winds are often more pronounced at lower elevations (LZ, 300′, and 600′ launches). The timing is variable but often occurs around 11a in Summer and 2p in Winter.

Best soaring conditions
Ed Levin is usually soarable from the top launches in pre-frontal conditions. Post-frontal generally can’t be done because the road to the top is closed when wet. For the same reason, timing your pre-frontal flights can be challenging. More than one pilot has had to leave their vehicle on top until the road was dry enough to pass, sometimes several days. Ed Levin is not generally thermal soarable in the summer due to an omnipresent inversion, but some of the best pilots seem to be able to break through the inversion or get long flights below it. Legend has it that on perfect days, some pilots have launched the 300 foot hill and managed to work their way up the ridges and over the top.

It’s beyond the scope of this website to provide you with a comprehensive list of weather resources, but the list below might prove helpful:

Mt. Allison Wx station (closest station to Ed Levin, but at times it’s significantly different from local winds)
Windy airgram

Gate / Lock Combinations

Combinations are printed on Membership Cards and changed February of every year.  The combination can only be shared with active WOR members and drivers who have signed the necessary waivers (found by logging into your account).

ALL individuals (spectators, drivers, etc.) who ride in a car past the gate must sign the SCCPD Waiver (link at the bottom oof the page).  Completed waivers should be placed in the Lockbox. Pilots must inform drivers of Site Procedures.

Anyone who gives a pilot a lift up the hill must first confirm (before heading up) that the pilot meets the requirements for the launch to be used.

Please refer to the Site Procedures for requirements.

Landing Zone Characteristics

There is a single LZ at Ed Levin used by all launches. It is a very large grassy field, with trees defining the southern and eastern boundaries in sort of a tipped over “L” shape. If the wind is anything between 90 and 270 degrees, you should take care to stay far enough back of the trees trees to avoid any rotor. The most common direction in the LZ is WNW, but it does vary, especially when fronts are passing through. One of the attractive features of Ed Levin for the newer pilot is that since all launches use the same LZ, for a given wind condition the same landing approach can be used for any of the launches at 300 feet or above. For example, one can fly from the 1750 foot launch arriving over the LZ and burning off altitude until they are just above the 600 foot hill. Then they can fly the same approach last used from the 600 foot hill given similar conditions. As always though, be aware of current conditions and don’t count on everything being the same as your last flight.


LZ Altitude in Feet MSL Best Wind Direction
400 WNW

Tandem Flights

Tandem flights at Ed Levin are permitted only by a pilot who has:

  1. A current USHPA membership card on their person showing an appropriate Tandem rating or Tandem Instructor appointment
  2. A current WOR membership card on their person.

Unless a tandem student has proof of WOR membership, the tandem pilot must have the tandem student either:

  1. Register on this website as a student pilot
  2. From their My Account page, complete the Ed Levin Park Waiver


  1. Fill out a hard copy of the Ed Levin Waiver and place the completed registration form and waiver in the Tandem students folder in the Ed Levin landing zone lock box before the tandem student enters the flying site.

All tandem students must have a USHPA membership (temporary or full). A tandem student must not enter the Ed Levin flying site without a USHPA card obtained in one of the two ways listed above.

The first big field south of Ed Levin, just south of Calaveras Road, is highly sensitive and should be avoided if possible.

Commercial Instructors:

Non-Commercial Instructors:

  • David Oddy - Advanced Instructor
  • Robert Posey - Advanced Instructor
  • Julie Spiegler - Advanced Instructor
  • Ed Stein - Advanced Instructor
  • Gever Tulley - Advanced Instructor
  • Michael Vergalla - Basic Instructor

Ed Levin Site Intros

Wings of Rogallo is not a school and we do not provide flight training.

H4/P4s with significant experience flying at Ed Levin have been authorized by WOR to give site intros  in accordance with the Ed Levin Site Procedures.  Ed Levin is the only flying site that allows training, and the site procedures provide more information about requirements for pilots to fly from each launch, including sponsored flights and site introductions by members of the Site Introduction Team.

Please note that many instructors below operate commercial schools and use separate insurance policies.  Our site procedures apply as the foundation for all pilots at Ed Levin as the park permit to fly is based on the WOR site procedures.

Commercial Instructors:

Non-Commercial Instructors:

  • Kurtis Carter - Advanced Instructor
  • Takeo Eda - Advanced Instructor
  • Jacob Edwards - Basic Instructor
  • Robert Hugel - Advanced Instructor
  • Ryan Matthews - Basic Instructor
  • Scott Seebass - Advanced Instructor
  • Jeremy Spiegel - Basic Instructor
  • Anthony Tagliaferro - Advanced Instructor

“Flying activity” includes glider pack-up and breakdown, loading of equipment onto vehicles, and moving vehicles off launch access roads and out of the landing area. Pilots must not go up the hill if time will not permit them to be completely loaded up and out of the landing area in time.

It is permissible to hike into the park before the gate opens at 8am, but flying is not allowed until 8am.  The only legal street parking is on Calaveras Road.

Photos from Ed Levin