Wings of Rogallo Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club of Northern California

Dear Pilots,


See corrections below in red. Please note that there are VIP TFRs in effect across the Bay Area tomorrow, 9/26, through Wednesday, 9/27. Several WOR/unregulated Bay Area sites are affected as follows:


Stables and Mussel Rock

Tuesday 9/26 3:30PM through Wednesday 9/27 7:30PM 


Ed Levin, and Mission Peak*

Tuesday 9/26 3:30PM-8:30PM

Wednesday 9/27 5:45PM-7:30PM 

Tuesday 9/26 7:45PM to Wednesday 9/27 6:30PM - launches not affected but TFR northwest of Mission and west of Mission and Ed Levin LZs 

*Note for those contemplating XC - this TFR extends south to Morgan Hill

Tuesday 9/26 7:45PM to Wednesday 9/27 6:30PM

Mt. Tam
Tuesday 9/26 7:45PM to Wednesday 9/27 7:30PM 

Blue Rock
Tuesday 9/26 7:45PM to Wednesday 9/27 6:30PM 

For more information, see SkyVector. Please observe these restrictions and stay aware as these TFRs can sometimes change. 

-WOR Executive Board

[email protected]


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