November 2020 WOR Meeting
Wings of Rogallo Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club of Northern California

Our meeting will be held online via Zoom, link below.  It's possible to call in via phone if you prefer.

Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 (tomorrow!)
Time: 7:30pm PST


  • President and site Committee reports
  • Reminder: COVID-19 ride sharing prohibitions at Ed Levin and Mission Peak
  • Election - candidate statements
  • Mission electronic sign-in fully launched
  • Epic flight reports

Reminder about COVID-19 ride sharing restrictions:

Our club's special use permit addendums at both Ed Levin and Mission Peak prohibit pilots from sharing rides with anyone outside of their immediate household while inside the park boundaries.  Several club members have been observed violating this rule.  This puts everyone's ability to fly at risk!  Please adhere to the guidelines that have been laid out by the park agencies.  The site chairs and executive board are working with Santa Clara Parks and East Bay Parks to loosen the restrictions at both sites, and will notify club members if and when there are any changes.

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 833 7123 7147

Passcode: 144298

One tap mobile

+16699009128,,83371237147#,,,,,,0#,,144298# US (San Jose)

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