Wings of Rogallo Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club of Northern California

Dear Wings of Rogallo members,

Windy Hill upcoming intermittent closure beginning June 5th

The Spring Ridge Trail and Anniversary Trail (which includes the launch area) at Windy Hill will be intermittently closed for up to 2 weeks beginning on June 5th for fire abatement and fuel treatment work.  Please check for updates on the work that is being done, and for any changes in the work schedule.  This will hopefully be beneficial to flying activities, as the park staff have indicated that they will be clearing out the overgrown coyote brush, cardoons, and blackberries near the launch area.

Ed Levin Lawnmower

The Ed Levin lawnmower has recently died and its motor needs to be replaced, or the entire mower needs to be replaced.  The club officers and Ed Levin site chair are looking into several options, however if any pilots have leads on replacement motors, mowers, or repair services, please let Clem know at [email protected].

The Wings of Rogallo club officers.

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